João Pedro Cachopo 

João Pedro Cachopo is a Marie SkLodowska-Curie Fellow with a joint affiliation to the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the University of Chicago. He earned a degree in Musicology (2005) and a PhD in Philosophy (2011) from the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA/FCSH). His research interests span the fields of musicology, philosophy, film and media studies, comparative studies, and critical theory with a focus on issues of criticism, spectatorship, and intermediality. He is broadly interested in the relationship between aesthetics and politics; the interrelations of the arts and media; and in concepts of avant-garde, modernism, and postmodernism.


He is the author of Verdade e Enigma: Ensaio sobre o pensamento estético de Adorno (Vendaval, 2013), which received the First Book Award from the Portuguese PEN Club in 2014, and the co-editor of Pensamento Crítico Contemporâneo (Edições 70, 2014), Estética e Política entre as Artes (Edições 70, 2017) and Rancière and Music (Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming in 2019). His work has also appeared in collective volumes and international peer-reviewed journals such as The Opera Quarterlyand New German Critique. He has translated into Portuguese Georges Didi-Huberman, Jacques Rancière, and Theodor W. Adorno.


He was a visiting scholar at the Universität Potsdam (2008), Université Paris 8 (2009), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2010), University of Durham (2012) and Columbia University in the City of New York (2015). He also served as an invited professor at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2016) and the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2016). He presented his work in Portugal, Brazil, the USA, the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Poland, and Argentina.


Currently, he is working on a monograph titled “The Profanation of Opera: Music and Drama on Film”, co-editing a special issue for The Opera Quarterlydedicated to operas based on films, and organizing the international conference “Opera and the City: Technologies of Displacement and Dissemination” to be held at the Teatro Nacional de São Carlos (Lisbon Opera House) on June 24-25, 2019.


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